2 comments on “Analytics for #smsmhealth
  1. Anna says:

    Dear Claire,

    I have been trying to get a message to you but am not sure if you received it.
    It is about a health commons seminar that I am organising. It would be wonderful if you could join us somehow. I realise it may be difficult to come to London but maybe we can connect virtually somehow, before the event, during it and afterwards.
    Socialmedia will be such an important part of future healthcare for all of us. I love your passion for it.
    What do you think?
    here is a link to the event:

    with warm wishes
    Anna Betz

  2. Claire says:

    Hi Anna,

    I’ve received the messages about the event, thank you. The commons project is very interesting, but the language and the discourse around this project seems very linked with the New Age movement, and a lobbying effort to provide more alternative therapies as health interventions.

    I’m not sure that I really agree with these aims, although I do support the right of people to access health interventions according to patient choice, I must also be guided by an evidence base that clearly shows that some of them are actively harmful to patients, and as a health professional “first, do no harm” is a very important maxim. The provision of health interventions by the commons in health hasn’t yet developed guidelines about this. This website is an easy primer with lots of examples where alternative medicine has resulted in harm to people who in many cases rejected live-saving conventional (allopathic) medicine. http://whatstheharm.net/

    I would need more assurances that these incidences are acknowledged and that the commoning of health was more evidence based to attend the event, but thank you very much for the invitation.

    Disclosure: I did work as a complementary therapist for some time before training as an occupational therapist.

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I'm an OT called Claire. I write about health, particularly mental health, and also about Social Media and Web 2.0 technology. I am particularly interested where these two fields overlap.
I believe that we all hold the potential for Recovery- let's grow together.

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